That Summer feeling

Whilst Summer is most definitely not my favourite season I do have moments where I can appreciate it’s beauty and its bounty. The endless days, the flora, grasses and trees all in full bloom, life meant to be lived outside if just for a few short weeks. The ability to gather together, travel and have adventures isn’t lost on me, so I will quietly celebrate these few months of sort of summer that we seemed to have had.

Summer seems packed with family traditions too, favourite days out, games and walks made together each year. So I was so excited when I was invited to join this lovely family for one of their favourite walks through our local hills. A picnic tea was had, posies were made, blanket games were played and most importantly the adults got to drink a beer in the sunshine (extra points when they bring 0% beers and include one for you!)

But no, in all seriousness, this was the perfect summers evening session, I felt so privileged once again to spend time with a family and shown a little into their world and helped them record memories of them at this point in their lives. Forever my favourite thing, whatever the season.